Monday, November 15, 2010

Do you know what media is? The media is the means of public communication (i.e, newspaper, television, radio, internet, etc.). It provides basic information to a large number of people at the same time. Media has changed our relation with time and space.
Now we can, in seconds, know what is happening at the other end of the world. We can watch a match or event at the moment it is taking place, even if it is far away.

The mass media has become one of the main instruments of political change. In their campaingns, politicians use the media to try to capture people's attention, support and votes. The media reports on the issues and gives us the facts. But it is not completely reliable. Sometimes the shows aren't based on reallity. You have to realise that when you watch tv, the shows always have happy endings but that's not how life really works. Don't forget that tv is tv and in real life things might go wrong.

The media is part of our everyday life, so try to e open-minded and think things through when you are presented with information.

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