Thursday, July 29, 2010

Nelson Mandela
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was born in South Africa on 18 july, 1918. He studied at University of Witwatersrand where he obtained his degree of lawyer in 1942. After 1948, he formed part of the resistance movement against the National Party's apartheid.
Later, in 1964, Nelson Mandela was sentenced to life imprisonment for his political work in the African National Congress (ANC), considered an illegal organisation at that time. He was sent to Robben Island Prison, off Cape Town.
During those years in prison, he became the symbol of resistance as the anti-apartheid movement. So, his reputation grew and he turned into the most outstanding black leader of South Africa. He never renouced his beliefs to obtain his freedom.
Many governments around the world put pressure on the South African government to set Mandela free and end apartheid.
Finally, the government released him from prison on 11 february, 1990.
Then, he began to work to create a democracy for the country. He wanted all the races to live together in peace and as equals.
He called apartheid a human disaster.
In 1991, he was elected President and ruled the country until 1999 when he decided to retire from political life. He is one of the most admired public characters in the world all persons live together in harmony and whit equal oppotunities.

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